
i - on the road

On February 4th we spent eleven hours moving boxes and furniture in a RAV4, clearing out Devon's apartment, bruised up, sweating, skinned fingers, and a final heated confrontation with a landlord we finally set our sights south and took to the road at 11pm. Crossing our fingers at the border as we sat in customs, no one noticed the flaw in this plan and we watched several hours of reflecting road signs go by before stopping to sleep on the mattress in the back of the car off the highway in Olympia, Washington. Devon, now homeless, myself to be homeless in a little less than a month. Choosing to renounce the comfort of personal space and sanctuary, in exchange for the earth beneath our feet to guide us Home. Mercury retrograde flipped our lives upside down and we were spending it's final zealous stretch on the open road, a call from the desert...